FinEst link project results
Wednesday, February 7, 2018 - 15:21
This year many of our projects will end. Among those is FinEst Link - a project that studied the economic and technical feasibility of a fixed link between Helsinki and Tallinn. The project, is presenting its results at its final conference today in Tallinn.
During the conference, as well as in the FinEst Link final report, also published today, has been explained that a fixed link between Helsinki and Tallinn will have a wide regional development impact also in terms of cohesion and increase in cross-border cooperation.
The project results, include projections for different scenarios according to which the passenger transport demand is going to increase steadily in the next three decades. The demand will peak in 2050 with 23 million passenger crossing the sea-borders between Finland and Estonia, if the tunnel project will be realised and with 14 million passenger if the tunnel is not realised. Regarding cargo transport, the estimation is for 8 million tons of cargo with tunnel and 7 million tons without. The tunnel is expected to reduce the trasportation time between Tallinn and Helsinki to only 30 minutes.
For more information on project results and on the panel discussion between Finnish and Estonian Decision makers, visit the event's webstream.
The CentralBaltic programme is actively covering the event on Twitter. Check ours as well as other interesting tweets under #FinEstLink.
During the conference, as well as in the FinEst Link final report, also published today, has been explained that a fixed link between Helsinki and Tallinn will have a wide regional development impact also in terms of cohesion and increase in cross-border cooperation.
The project results, include projections for different scenarios according to which the passenger transport demand is going to increase steadily in the next three decades. The demand will peak in 2050 with 23 million passenger crossing the sea-borders between Finland and Estonia, if the tunnel project will be realised and with 14 million passenger if the tunnel is not realised. Regarding cargo transport, the estimation is for 8 million tons of cargo with tunnel and 7 million tons without. The tunnel is expected to reduce the trasportation time between Tallinn and Helsinki to only 30 minutes.
For more information on project results and on the panel discussion between Finnish and Estonian Decision makers, visit the event's webstream.
The CentralBaltic programme is actively covering the event on Twitter. Check ours as well as other interesting tweets under #FinEstLink.

The link between Helsinki and Tallinn