The #EUinMyRegion campaign has started!
Monday, May 3, 2021 - 08:39
Europe in my Region is an annual EU-wide campaign to show citizens the EU-funded projects in the regions they live in. #EUinmyregion is launched in the days around Europe Day (9th of May). 
We would like to invite you to take part in the quiz to celebrate Europe Day and be inspired by our projects’ stories in the Project Database. In addition, our National Contact Points will be active in their region. Read below what are their plans:
Follow our programme Facebook page in Estonian: Kesk-Läänemere programm
The event is in Finnish. Registration to the event: Uusimaalaisille hyvää EU-rahoituksella - esittelyssä Interreg-ohjelmat (in Finnish). See the full programme of Helsinki-Uusimaa week 2021 from here (in Finnish).
Registration to the event from here: Europadagen 2021 (in Swedish).
More information will follow on webpage and Facebook account
Discover what the EU does for you and your area: #EUinMyRegion
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter(s) to keep updated!

We would like to invite you to take part in the quiz to celebrate Europe Day and be inspired by our projects’ stories in the Project Database. In addition, our National Contact Points will be active in their region. Read below what are their plans:
Everyone interested is warmly invited to take part in the Facebook lottery (4-13 May). Our Contact Point, Annika Mändla, is also planning to publish a video with our project CAITO on Facebook (7th of May) as part of #CBtalks.Follow our programme Facebook page in Estonian: Kesk-Läänemere programm
The campaign is celebrated on 11th of May as part of Helsinki-Uusimaa week 2021 – Influential networks. The online event People in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region benefitting from EU funding – Interreg programmes presented presents the good work that has been done in the area with EU funding. The focus is on education & skills. Join the event and learn about Interreg Central Baltic, Interreg Baltic Sea Region and Interreg Europe. What has been done in the periods 2014-2020 and what will the future of these Interreg programmes look like? How the people in Helsinki-Uusimaa region has – and can in the future – benefit from Interreg programmes?The event is in Finnish. Registration to the event: Uusimaalaisille hyvää EU-rahoituksella - esittelyssä Interreg-ohjelmat (in Finnish). See the full programme of Helsinki-Uusimaa week 2021 from here (in Finnish).
Our national Contact Point, Ester Laurell, will be interviewed by the local newspaper about the programme as a whole. Keep your eyes open as she will produce an article about our project CB ChangeMakers as they are having their bootcamp and Dragon´s Den on that week, when the Alandic participants will be gathered at Ålands Lyceum.Sweden
Our national Contact Points are encouraging Central Baltic projects to make themselves visible in social media. You can expect to receive a Swedish Newsletter during the week and be informed about a valuable webinar arranged by the Swedish EU office in Stockholm on 10 May.Registration to the event from here: Europadagen 2021 (in Swedish).
#CBtalks will introduce you with the “Forest trail” – one of the most popular project of Central Baltic programme. You can read more than 100 publications about the “Forest trail”, enjoy beautiful nature pictures, videos and stories. And the latest news are fantastic guidebooks of “Forest trail” Northern part. Come and enjoy the healthy lifestyle, beauty of nature and freedom of hiking!More information will follow on webpage and Facebook account
Here is the A4 poster with our events: Central Baltic & Europe in my region
Discover what the EU does for you and your area: #EUinMyRegion
Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter(s) to keep updated!